


Social media



© 2008 - 2024 Catherine Gin

My work has covered a range of industries including advertising, marketing, media, tech,
fashion, beauty, travel, entertainment, popular culture, food, beer, wine, spirits, health,
nutrition, sports, community news, motoring, technology and home decor.
Here's a selection of samples of my editing, writing and social media work.

Editing samples
Click pic to download pdf or go to link

Ad Age
"So You Sponsor Colin Kaepernick, Now What?"
Aug. 2016

Edited copy by working with writer on structure, tone and
historical context; sourced pic; formatted in CMS;
added related stories and tags; and published online.

"The 7 Steps to Wine Geekdom"
Mar. 2011

Edited copy, wrote head and standfirst, created and sourced
pics, created slideshow, formatted in CMS and
published as story and e-mail newsletter.

Australian Women's Health
"Fragrant Attraction"
Nov 2008

Winner of The Jasmine Award for Literary Excellence
and Best Practical Guide to Fragrance 2009.
Fact-checked and edited copy, wrote standfirst and captions.

Virgin Blue Voyeur
"Cunning linguists"
Jul 2007

Pitched this story for culture section; fact-checked
raw copy and sub-edited layout; wrote head, standfirst
and captions; assisted in sourcing images.

"All that shiraz"
Jun/Jul 2005

Substantially reworked copy, pieced together from panel
of five's tasting notes. Did extra research, fact-checked
raw copy and sub-edited layout; wrote head and standfirst.
Weight Watchers magazine
"Wonder white"
May/Jun 2005

Liaised with Weight Watchers for approval of
product representation. Sub-edited layout;
wrote head, standfirst and product copy.
Writing samples
Click pic to download pdf or go to link

Ad Age
"LeBron and More NBA Stars Start the
Season With New TV Spots"
Oct. 2016

Wrote daily "Hot Spots" column for adage.com.
Watched ads, wrote copy and hed,
created image, formatted and published.

Ad Age
"Nike's Iron Nun Is 86 Years Old
and Fitter Than You"
Aug. 2016

Wrote daily "Hot Spots" column for adage.com.
Watched ads, wrote copy and hed,
created image, formatted and published.
"Best Drinks for Oscar Night"
Feb. 2011

Researched and wrote copy, created
and sourced images, created slideshow,
published as story and email newsletter.
"Drinkers Say the Darndest Things"
Dec. 2010

Wrote story due to popular response to previous article on
the same topic. Researched, sourced image, published
as story and included in email newsletter.
Virgin Blue Voyeur
"Serve sunny side up"
Feb. 2008

Travelled to Sunshine Coast, courtesy of area's tourism
bodies, for three days' research. Took photos which ran in
feature; supplied hed and dek.

Weight Watchers magazine
"Health & fitness"
Sep./Oct. 2004

First in series of health & fitness section openers
profiling one sport per issue. Did research and
interviews with experts and sporting associations.

Social media samples
Click pic to enlarge

Ad Age
Oct. 2016

One of the highest performing posts on Ad Age's Facebook page in October 2016.
Created post in SocialFlow, wrote copy and subhead, scheduled publishing and monitored engagement.

Ad Age
Dec. 2016

One of the highest performing posts on Ad Age's Twitter account in December 2016.
Created post in SocialFlow, wrote copy and subhead, scheduled publishing and monitored engagement.

Ad Age
Jan. 2017

One of the highest performing posts on Ad Age's LinkedIn page in December 2016.
Created post in SocialFlow, wrote copy and subhead, scheduled publishing and monitored engagement.

Ad Age
Nov. 2016

One of the highest performing posts on Ad Age's Instagram in 2016.
Created post in Instagram, sourced and edited pic, wrote copy, scheduled publishing and monitored engagement.

Ad Age
April, May, Sept. 2016

As web/newsletter editor, created and published up to four newsletters daily (Daily, Digital, Media Buzz;
CMO Strategy and Agency News weekly) and up to 18 weekly to 692,000 subscribers.